ICDT, established in Casablanca since 1984, is the Subsidiary Organ of the OIC entrusted with the mission of promoting Trade & Investments in OIC Countries.
→ To encourage regular trade exchanges within the OIC Region;
→ To promote investments likely to develop trade flows within the OIC Region;
→ To contribute to the promotion of Member States’ products & services and encourage access to foreign markets;
→ To disseminate Trade Information;
→ To assist Member States in the field of Trade Promotion and International Negotiations;
→ To extend assistance to OIC enterprises and economic operators.
Fields of activities:
→ To promote contacts between OIC Member States’ Business people;
→ To ensure the promotion of Member States’ production by regularly holding the Trade Fair of OIC Member States (TFOIC) and specialized Exhibitions;
→ To assist Member States in creating and organizing Export Promotion Centers;
→ To extend consultancy and expert services to Member States in the field of Trade Promotion.
→ To collect and disseminate trade information;
→ To develop Trade data bases and facilitate their remote access;
→ To assist Member States with setting up and organizing documentation and information Centres as well as Trade Information Networks.
→ To encourage intra-OIC investments;
→ To promote foreign investments in the OIC Member States;
→ To encourage partnerships between OIC Member States’ economic operators;
→ To provide consultancy and expert services to Member States in the area of investments promotion, in particular export-oriented investments.
→ To organize seminars and training courses;
→ To help Member States establish expert groups in the various fields of international trade development.
→ To assist Member States in trade negotiations;
→ To prepare and organize the intra-OIC trade negotiations.
→ To publish the Annual Report on Intra-OIC Trade;
→ To undertake sectorial and market studies;
→ To examine the ways and means likely to alleviate obstacles to trade among Member States.